
What is a delegation?

Delegations provide important information to Town Council, Town Administration, and the Public on issues, projects, and community initiatives in the Town of St. Paul. 

Meetings are open to the public unless in Closed Session. If you are unsure, please check with staff upon arrival.

Council meetings are live streamed on the Town of St. Paul's website.

What is the process? How do I apply?

To request to be a delegation, please contact Sarah Burton, Executive Assistant at 780-645-1765 /  All delegation requests must be in writing according to the Town's Procedural Bylaw.  Please include in your email a brief description of your request.

Is there a presentation time limit?

Delegations are limited to ten (10) minutes, exclusive time required to answer questions put to Council.

Presentation Material

If you are using a PowerPoint presentation or have accompanying material, it must be provided with your delegation request, and it will form the public Council Agenda Package. 

Delegation Conduct

All delegations shall address, and be directed, by the Chair (Mayor) which means all dialogue is directed through the Mayor. Mayor and Council are addressed as: Mrs. Mayor and Members of Council. 

The Mayor will introduce you and your presentation topic.

Matters brought forward by a delegation may be discussed, debated and decided upon at a later meeting of Town Council unless the matter appears elsewhere in the agenda. 


Please know that your letter of request could be included in a public Council agenda package.  Please do not include any personal information that you would not want to be public.

Shiver Fest Update

With extreme cold temperatures in the forecast, some Shiver Fest activities have been postponed or cancelled for the safety of participants and volunteers. We appreciate your understanding and encourage everyone to stay warm and safe. For the latest event updates, please click the link below:.