Change of Hours: Transfer Station

Effective September 3rd, the Transfer Station will be open the following hour: Tuesday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Saturday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Closed Sundays & Mondays

Bidding on Municipal Projects

What rules does the municipality have to follow in selecting good, services or construction project?

The Town of St. Paul is part of the MASH sector under NWPTA. MASH is an abbreviation for: Municipalities, Academic Institutions, Schools and Hospitals.

Like all municipalities in Alberta, the Town of St. Paul is required to meet the terms of the New West Partnership Trade Agreement (NWPTA). These rules also apply to local governments in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. 

The NWPTA requires that municipalities: 

  1. Must conduct open and non-discriminatory procurement where the anticipated costs are at or above a value a certain value for goods, services, or construction.  The APC link to thresholds is here.
  2. Cannot give preferential treatment to local suppliers. 

Where could someone find out about and bid on municipal projects or services?

The municipality is required to post all tenders or requests for proposals over a certain amount to Alberta Purchasing Connection, also known as APC. APC is a tool created by the Government of Alberta that lets public and private sector users manage, advertise, distribute, and download public purchasing opportunities for goods, services, and construction in Alberta. 

About APC

APC does not charge vendors for browsing opportunities or downloading opportunity documents and vendors can set up a list of criteria (e.g., keywords) that is then used to create a list of new opportunities that can be automatically emailed to the vendor. 

What current opportunities does the municipality have open?

Project:  None at this time.
Bid closes: 
Link to posting on APC: