Development Permit Exemptions

Compliance with the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) 2021-04

When preparing for any project noted above, please ensure you read and under the regulations in the LUB. Being exempt from applying for a Development Permit DOES NOT mean you are exempt from complying with the LUB. 

Please ask staff to point you in the right direction to ensure you are aware and understand the regulations under the LUB.

As all exemptions are stamped and signed by the Development Officer, some residents have found it helpful to apply for the exemption so that the document can be provided to:

  • a future owner as proof that a development permit was not required at the time the project was started,
  • your hired contractor, or
  • The Inspections Group Inc. when you apply for any other safety codes permit.

Shiver Fest Update

With extreme cold temperatures in the forecast, some Shiver Fest activities have been postponed or cancelled for the safety of participants and volunteers. We appreciate your understanding and encourage everyone to stay warm and safe. For the latest event updates, please click the link below:.