How to apply for a Development Permit

Development Permit Application Package

Development Permits are valid to start within 1 year.  Apply EARLY to avoid delays in starting your project.  This is the first step in most projects.  The Town encourages developers to apply in January to ensure all permits are in place before spring thaw.

Development Permit Application Package

Development Permit - Flowchart

What is a Development Permit?

A development permit allows a specific type of development to commence after it's been checked to adhere to all the regulations of the Town of St. Paul’s Land Use Bylaw and any other relevant policies or plans.  Plan reviews, approvals, and site inspections may be part of the process; it looks at land use, site development, streetscape, planning principles, densities, landscaping, parking and more.

Can I pay for my development permit with my credit card?

Credit Card Payments are accepted.

Credit card payments can be entered on the "Development Permit Application Form", please include the following information:

-Credit Card Holder's Name;
-Credit Card Number;
-Expiry Date;
-CVV on the back of the card.

Municipal Planning Commission (MPC)

Table 1: Variance Powers of the Development Authority

Members of the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) include:  Chair Councillor Norm Noel, Councillor Brad Eamon, & Councillor Ron Boisvert.

MPC is the Planning Authority for development permit applications that are a discretionary use and variances request applications as outlined in Table 1.  This table was revised by Bylaw 2023-09 on November 13, 2023.

Discretionary Use means the use of land or a building provided for in the Land Use Bylaw for which a development permit may be issued, with or without conditions, upon an application having been made, at the discretion of the Development Authority (MPC).

Variance means an alteration or change to standard prescribed in the Land Use Bylaw that is authorized by the Development Authority or Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board.

Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) Minutes

*To view MPC meeting minutes, please click here.

Development Permit: Steps for Discretionary Use Applications or Variance Requests


Process Time Frame Notes
Pre-Consult  N/A It is recommended that applicants meet (either in person or via telephone) with planning staff to determine/review the application requirements.

Please call 780-645-1766 to book a meeting in advance of filing an application. 

You may be recommended to consult with Alberta Transportation prior to submitting the Town’s development permit application. 
Applicant completes application N/A Our department is here to help!  Please call us if you need any assistance with our forms.
Application Submission 1 week Upon receipt of a completed application for a Development Permit, the Development Authority (DO) shall review the application and advise if the application falls under Discretionary use. If the application falls under Discretionary Use the DO will refer with recommendations to the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) for its consideration and decision. This same process will also apply if a variance is requested.

Staff will send an email to the applicant to notify them that the file has been opened and assigned a file number. To check the status of your application, please have your assigned permit number available.
Review of Application & Preparation for MPC Meeting

up to 2 weeks The DO will prepare and schedule a meeting with the MPC and will advise the applicant of the meeting date.  If necessary, internal or external agencies may be sent a referral. 

Planning staff will take site photos to submit as part of the report to the MPC.  Other agencies may be consulted if necessary. 

Planning staff may also request the applicant contacts adjacent owners for their comments/ concerns regarding the proposed application. This is typical with any variance request according to the Town's policy listed here.
MPC Meeting N/A MPC meeting will be held and a decision will be made. A letter informing the applicant and owner of the decision will be emailed.

If the proposed development is approved, staff will post a notice to the Town's website under "Development Permit Notices" webpage & may share on the Town's Facebook page.  As well, the notice will be displayed on the Town Hall doors.  Letters will also be mailed to surrounding owners (50m radius) advising them of the proposed development and provide them with 21 days to appeal the decision if they so choose.

If the proposed development is tabled or denied, staff will be in contact with you to determine the next steps.
Appeal Period 21 days The decision of the Development Authority (MPC) can be appealed by an affected party.
Issuance after the 21 days

If no appeals are filed, the Development Permit will be issued and emailed to the applicant and owner.

If an appeal is filed, you will be contact to be advised of next steps.

Next Steps N/A Applicant may apply for the safety codes permits (building, electrical, plumbing, and gas permits) through The Inspections Group Inc. at 1-888-853-6411.  Construction may start after the safety codes permits are issued.

Development Permit: Steps for Permitted Use Applications

A permitted use means the use of land or building provided for in the Land Use Bylaw for which a development permit shall be issued upon an application having been made, provided that all of the regulations of the Land Use Bylaw are satisfied and all of the considerations and requirements of the Development Authority (Development Officer) are or will be met.

Permitted use applications are received by any member of the planning team and approved by Director of Planning & Legislative Services being the appointed Development Officer for the Town of St. Paul. 

Process Time Frame Notes
Pre-Consult N/A It is recommended that applicants meet (either in person or on the telephone) with planning staff to determine/review the application requirements.  In some cases, a development (project) may be exempted from a Development Permit. 

Please call 780-645-4481 to book a meeting in advance of filing your application.

You may be recommended to consult with Alberta Transportation prior to submitting the Town's development permit application.
Applicant completes application N/A Our department is here to help! Please call us if you need any assistance with our forms.
Application Submission 1 week Staff will send an email to the applicant to notify them that the file has been opened and assigned a file number.  To check the status of your application, please have your assigned permit number available.
Review of Application up to 20 days from submission The Development Officer will review the file and determine if all information required is submitted.  A second email is sent to the applicant to notify them that the file has complete or incomplete status.

If incomplete status is determined, the outstanding information must be provided. At which time, the 40 day decision date starts again when all information has been provided.
Issuance up to 40 days from submission The Development Officer will issue the permit and send via email to the applicant/owner.  This is an estimated time line and can take less time depending on the complexity of the application.  Often times, the review and issuance steps are completed the same day if no other information is required.
Appeal Period 21 days The decision of the Development Officer can be appealed if an appellant feels that an application has been interpreted incorrectly.
Next Steps N/A Applicant may apply for the safety codes permits (building, electrical, plumbing, and gas permits) through The Inspections Group at 1-888-853-6411.  Construction may start after the safety codes permits are issued.


How do I obtain information on where my property boundaries are?

You may call our department to request a copy of your registered survey plan or descriptive plan.

If you are needing this information outside of our normal business hours, you may go to this link to find copies of digital plans that the Town of St. Paul has previously downloaded for public use from the Alberta Land Titles system.

It is important to note that your property may or may not have pins (boundary markers) to define all corners of your property. The closest pin may be a block or two away.

Shiver Fest Update

With extreme cold temperatures in the forecast, some Shiver Fest activities have been postponed or cancelled for the safety of participants and volunteers. We appreciate your understanding and encourage everyone to stay warm and safe. For the latest event updates, please click the link below:.