Change of Hours: Transfer Station

Effective September 3rd, the Transfer Station will be open the following hour: Tuesday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Saturday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Closed Sundays & Mondays

Municipal Enforcement - Peace Officer

Community Peace Officer

Welcome to the Town of St. Paul's Municipal Enforcement and Community Peace Officer section of our website!

Here you will find a variety of information geared towards your safety, your family's well being and the safety of those around you. This knowledge will help answer questions you may have and are preventative measures.

Community Peace Officers perform a range of duties at the community level. Their duties vary in nature and scope depending on the unique needs and priorities of the communities they serve. These can include traffic enforcement, enforcement of other provincial statutes, enforcing and education of municipal bylaws, public education programs, presentations in schools, or other roles that are administrative in nature. They enhance the work of Police Officers performing various roles that assist in maintaining the peace. The Peace Officers are duly appointed as Community Peace Officers under the Peace Officer Act and as Bylaw Enforcement Officers under the Municipal Government Act.

Municipal Enforcement Services provides expert and professional enforcement services in various fields within the Town of St. Paul. Enforcement goals are met with integrity, impartiality, and professionalism. Peace Officer (s) focus on traffic enforcement, general bylaw enforcement, including unsightly premises, business licenses, animal control and various other tasks.

Officers maintain excellent customer service with a well trained professional staff. We also work in an integrated and cooperative law enforcement services with other enforcement agencies to provide the best possible law enforcement outcomes for our community. 

The Town of St. Paul currently employs one Community Peace Officer.

Complaints or Inquiries:

5101-50 Street
PO Box 1480
St. Paul, Alberta T0A 3A0
Tel: 780-645-4522
Fax: 780-645-5308 

Their Duties & Responsibilities

• Education and enforcement of selected municipal bylaws
• Traffic Control
• Animal Control
• Working in cooperation with RCMP, Fish and Wildlife, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement, St Paul Fire Department, EMS
• Assist in emergency / disaster response under direction of the Director of Emergency Management
• Other related duties

Their Appointed Provincial Authorities Pursuant to Section 7 of the Peace Officer Act

• Animal Protection Act
• Dangerous Dogs Act
• Environmental Protection & Enhancement Act
• Gaming Liquor & Cannabis Act
• Provincial Offences Procedure Act
• Stray Animals Act
• Tobacco & Smoking Reduction Act
• Traffic Safety Act
• Trespass to Premises Act

Online Crime Reporting


  • You have lost something that costs less than $5000
  • Someone has stolen something from you that costs less than $5000
  • Someone has vandalized your property or vehicle and it will cost less than $5000 to repair it
  • The crime happened within the jurisdiction of the Alberta RCMP
  • Thefts over $5,000 are accepted from oil, telecommunications, and utility companies


  • There is a witness or suspect
  • There are lost or stolen items involving personal identity, firearms, licence plates or decals

All crimes reported online to the Alberta RCMP will be followed up with a phone call from a police officer within five business days.

Report it online!

Media Material can be found here.

Town of St. Paul Crime Map


Reasons to License Your Pet

Dog, black and brown

Provides identification of animal to Community Peace Officer so they can return it to you.

If your house/vehicle gets broken into, the animal can be returned to you when it is found.

Licensing is preparation for events that animal owners cannot control (kids let it out of the house when I was at work, my dog just seems to escape anytime it wants to, I have no idea my pet was even out of the yard? Your dog/cat cannot speak on its own behalf to the reason it escaped your yard. If your animal is found injured, the Community Peace Officer can find you to notify you of the situation ASAP. The pet license allows us to reunites the pet, and the pet owner.

But, I have an animal license that I made myself? It even has my phone number and address on it so someone can return my pet to me.

How much information do you really want a stranger to know about you?

Why should I re-license every year?

People move.

People change phone numbers.

Animals are given away to other owners in town (dog license needs to be renewed when a new owner acquires the pet)

The Town of St. Paul can update animal license information.

Micro-chipping is a great tool; however pet owners frequently forget to update the information if and when they move to another part of town or change phone numbers.

But my pet is licensed in another municipality, why do I have to register it here?

• That information wont help the officer find you to return your pet

• The previous municipality does not have your new phone number/address

Hey, my pet never gets out

• Things never happen until they happen

• You would want it to be returned to you when it does get out.

Municipal statues enforced by the Peace Officer(s) include:

- Business Licence Bylaw

- Curfew Bylaw

- Dog Control Bylaw

- Corridor Regulation Bylaw

- Waste Disposal and Collection Bylaw

- Off-Highway Vehicle Bylaw

- Noise and Nuisance Bylaw

- Traffic Control Bylaw

- Land Use Bylaw

- Cat Control Bylaw

Provincial Statues Enforced by the Peace Officer(s) include:

- Dangerous Dogs Act

- Animal Protection Act

- Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act

- Gaming and Liquor Act

- Provincial Offences Procedure Act

- Stray Animal Act

- Traffic Safety Act

Unsightly Premises

Nuisance, in respect to land under Bylaw 1202, means land that shows sign of a serious disregard for general maintenance and upkeep, whether or not it is detrimental to the surrounding area, some examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Loose litter,
  • Garbage,
  • Construction Debris
  • Household appliances/furniture
  • Vehicle parts
  • Derelict vehicles
  • Grass or weeds higher than 10cm
  • Offensive odors/smells

Orders are issued pursuant to Section 545 of the Municipal Government Act allowing the required maintenance and work to be conducted by the Town of St. Paul in the circumstances of non-compliance to remedy the condition as directed. Municipal Enforcement is available for any questions and concerns in regards to this matter at 780-645-4522

Yard/Garage Sale Signage

Garage sale, items to buy

Where can I put my yard sale signs?

The Town of St. Paul allows yard sales. The issue arises when people do not know where the signs can be placed. In addition, when signs are left up after the garage sale they often become ripped / torn and litter on our streets.

Signs CANNOT be placed on any town owned facilities. This includes, but may not be limited to:
• Fences
• Power-poles
• Light fixtures
• Buildings
• Structures
• Parks
• Boulevards
• Parking lots
• Dumpsters
• Sidewalks

Residents can place signs on their own property, or property they have obtained permission for. There is a sign board located on the 50 avenue service road near 56 street. There is also a sign board located near Tim Hortons.
Another option is to advertise on social media websites.

We appreciate your assistance and would like to encourage a clean appearance for residents, visitors, and businesses.   

Loud Exhaust

Grey Pickup Truck

St Paul Municipal Enforcement has received an increased volume of complaints for vehicles with loud exhaust. If your vehicle has a modified exhaust system which increases the noise, we recommend it is changed back to factory condition.

Loud exhaust noise can be classified as noise that becomes a nuisance to the public. Your vehicle should not produce excessive noise through a widened outlet that amplifies the noise. In addition, ensure your exhaust system is equipped with baffles. Catalytic converters / mufflers should not be eliminated from the exhaust system.

Your cooperation is appreciated.

The following sections of the Traffic Safety Act (TSA) Vehicle Equipment Regulations (VER) or Traffic Safety Act (TSA) Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulations (ROR) pertain to excessive vehicle noise.

In summary they state:

• Section 61 TSA- VER refers to a motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine. It says that the exhaust muffler must not produce excessive noise or flames and sparks. It goes on to say that the exhaust outlet cannot be widened or have a device attached to it that increases noise. The fine is $155.00.

• Section 82 TSA- ROR states a person shall not create or cause the emission of any loud and unnecessary noise from a vehicle or any part of it, or from anything or substance that the vehicle or a part of the vehicle comes into contact with. The fine for this section is $155.00.

• Section 87 TSA- ROR relates to driving a motor vehicle in a residential area between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. that disturbs residents. This section requires a complaint from a resident. The fine for excessive noise under this section is $155.00. A complainant must appear in court as a witness if charges are laid under this section.

• Section 115 (2)(f) TSA says a person shall not do any of the following: drive a vehicle as to perform or engage in any stunt or other activity on a highway that is likely to distract, startle or interfere with other users of the highway. The fine for this section is $543.00 and 3 demerits.

Coyote Prevention Within Town Limits

Ways to prevent an encounter with coyotes in town limits:

  • Keep compost in a securely enclosed bin.
  • Do not put meat, dairy, egg products in the compost.
  • If you have fruit trees, pick when ripe and remove any fruit from the ground. Pick up those jack-o-lanterns from your front step.
  • Installing motion sensor lights are an option.
  • Do not leave dog or cat food outside your house, keep it inside.
  • Hunters, do not leave meat scraps in your yard, these should be brought to a suitable location.

If you encounter a coyote, leave the area calmly, do not make eye contact with it, do not turn your back, or run away from a coyote.

  • Dogs and cats are not allowed to be at large; keep your pets on a leash when outside.
  • Keep your pet inside at night.
  • Coyotes are territorial and may consider your dog a threat; keep it on a leash.
  • Spay neuter your dog to prevent coyotes from trying to breed with your dog.
  • Clean up dog feces in your yard, this attracts coyotes.
  • Don't feed coyotes or attempt to tame them.
  • If you have seen them in your yard, they are likely attracted to a food source or source for denning (under your shed or deck, etc.)
  • Don't let your children or pets outside unsupervised.
  • Clear bushes or tall weeds away from your property to prevent a source of cover for wild animals, remove low hanging branches.
  • Install a fence if you do not have one.
  • Keep the gates to your fence closed.
  • Keep your fence in good repair.
  • Use a durable wire mesh to close off spaces under your deck, shed, patio or outbuildings.
  • Be more vigilant at dusk and dawn.
  • Carry dog spray when walking your dog.

If you see a coyotes, do not make it feel welcome. They should not feel welcome around us.

  • Look at large as possible, waving your arms overhead; throw objects at it to scare it away.

if you see them in your yard, make loud noises to scare them away. Example: portable compressed air horn devices, whistles, bang pots and pans.

If you see one eating garbage in an alley or something under a deck, pick up smaller kids & pets, slowly walk away and call 911.

Do not leave suet (pieces of animal fat) out for birds in your yard and clean up any spilled bird seed. These attract mice which are prey for coyotes.

Do not leave your garbage bins out all week. Place them out the morning of your garbage pick up day. Do not put the garbage cans out the night before.

Coyotes are extremely adaptable and can be resourceful.

  • They can thrive among rural and urban areas.
  • They will find alternate food sources.
  • They become bolder when they learn backyards, alleys can become a food source.
  • They may become aggressive if they are protecting food sources.
  • There are reports of coyotes attacking people in Canada, however these events are extremely rare.

Preventative Measures: The 9 P.M. Routine

This a checklist for people to do before going to bed. It is part of a North American campaign to reduce property crime. This began in Pasco County, Florida and is used to remind residents to protect themselves and their property. Most of these crimes happen overnight, so the 9pm routine is an effort to prevent these crimes. If there is nothing for a criminal to gain, there is less of a chance they will break into it and move along.
This is a simple tool which makes a difference.

• Remove keys, wallets, cash, other valuables from vehicles and garage door openers.
• Lock vehicles
• Close overhead garage doors
• Lock the internal door between the garage and house
• Close and lock all external doors. (Front, back, and side doors)
• Ensure windows are shut and locked if possible
• Turn on exterior lights, camera systems, alarm systems
• Close and lock doors to sheds
• Close and lock gates

This shows potential offenders you won’t tolerate property crime in the neighborhood.
It's 9 PM, have you gone through your checklist? 

Distracted Driving

A person texting while driving

Distracted Driving
Did you know:

  • One in five new drivers is involved in a collision during their first two years of driving.
  • 211 young drivers and motorcyclists, aged 14-24, were killed and 12,079 were injured in collisions from 2013 to 2017.
  • In 2017, 18 per cent of Alberta’s casualty collisions involved vehicles driven by young drivers, even though only 13 per cent of registered drivers make up this group.
  • From 2013 to 2017, more than two in five young drivers killed in a collision were not wearing their seat belt.

The Penalty for distracted Driving is a $300.00 fine and 3 demerits.

Some distractions include but are not limited to:

  • using hand-held cell phones
  • texting or e-mailing
  • using electronic devices such as laptop computers, video games, cameras, video entertainment displays and programming portable audio players such as MP3 players
  • entering information on GPS units
  • reading printed materials in the vehicle
  • writing, printing or sketching
  • personal grooming such as brushing and flossing teeth, putting on makeup, curling hair, clipping nails or shaving

For more information, please visit

Seatbelt Safety

Did you know :

  • Seatbelts have been proven to reduce injuries and save lives in motor vehicle collisions. They prevent a driver / occupant from being ejected from a vehicle while in a collision. EVEN during low speed collisions.
  • According to the Manitoba Public Insurance Agency, seatbelts worn properly reduce the chances of death in a collision by 47 percent, and chances of serious injury by 52 percent.
  • Airbags are not a replacement for wearing seatbelts. Airbags do not prevent occupants from being thrown from a vehicle during a collision. Modern vehicle seatbelt systems are designed to work together with airbags. The seatbelt slows the impact of the occupant against the airbag.
  • It should not be worn while twisted as the full width is required to spread forces across the body in a motor vehicle collision.
  • Seatbelts prevent the occupant from colliding with interior parts of the vehicle in a collision.
  • Drivers are responsible for the safety of their occupants. Everyone in the vehicle should be wearing their seatbelt. If passengers are aged 6 to 15 years old (or children younger than 6 who weigh more than 18 kg / 40 lbs) and are not wearing their seatbelt, the driver can be issued violation tickets for the passengers not wearing the seatbelts.
  • Your shoulder belt is to be worn across the body, over the shoulder and across the chest. You should not place it under your arm or behind your back. The lap belt portion should be firm against the body and low across the hips. There is a fine for improperly wearing a seatbelt.
  • While pregnant, the lap and shoulder belt should be worn properly by sitting as upright as possible. The lap belt should be worn low so it pulls downward on the pelvic bones and not directly against the abdomen.
  • Seatbelts must not be removed from the vehicle or modified.
  • Learner and probationary (GDL) drivers must not have more passengers than there are seatbelts. They will also receive 2 demerits for this.
  • The Alberta seat belt wearing rate was 97.4% in 2017* Seatbelt users had a much lower injury rate (6.7%) than those not using seatbelts (18.1%)
  • The fine amount for not wearing a seatbelt is $162.00


Alberta 2018 Collision Facts :

Manitoba Public Insurance Agency:


Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

This is an approach to reduce crime in areas by modifying existing designs to the environment. It involves the design of physical space to reduce the fear of crime and incidents. It reduces the targets for criminals and opportunities for crimes. Observation is increased making offenders feel uncomfortable. This reduces the attractiveness of potential crime targets. Some examples are locks, windows, doors, fencing, cameras, lighting, and vegetation. These serve to deflect and deter crime around properties and communities.

The four strategies in CPTED are:

  • Access Control : Designating appropriate means for public access while effectively denying access to private areas
  • Natural Surveillance: Maximizing the ability to see what is occurring in a given space, and optimize the potential to spot suspicious persons or activities
  • Territorial Reinforcement: Promotes a definition of space and sense a proprietary concern
  • Maintenance: Allows the continued use of space for its intended purpose, an expression of ownership, reducing visibility from landscaping overgrowth and obstructed or ineffective / inoperative lighting.

These strategies make it more difficult to carry out risky or unwanted behaviours / activities. These strategies can be applied to eliminate / reduce criminal behaviour and promotes a sense of community among neighbourhoods and businesses.

The program has proven correct existing designs, remove potential problems, which may invite crime. It also compliments community policing principles.

Trailer/RV Parking Reminder

Trailers are to be parked on the road for a period up to 48 Hours  for the purpose of loading and unloading only. Failure to comply with this notice could result in further action which may result in a violation ticket and this trailer being towed at the owner's expense.

Bylaw #1141; 

Section 3.8 Trailers and Recreational Vehicles;   3.8.1 No person shall park any recreational vehicle, attached or unattached trailer holiday trailer on a highway except for the purpose of loading and unloading for a period not exceeding 48 hours and only if it is located on that portion of highway that lies immediately adjacent to the property it is being loaded from or unloaded to.

Section 3.13 Parking On Town Property;   3.13.1 Town Property

No person shall park any vehicle upon any land owned by the Town, which the Town uses or permits to be used as a playground, boulevard, recreation area or public park, except on such part thereof that is designed for parking. 

Extensions may be granted upon review. Please phone or email the Town of St. Paul Municipal Enforcement Services to request an extension.

Please include the following: Name, Address, Type of Trailer/RV, Plate Number, Reason for Extension. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to connect with Municipal Enforcement at the following phone number: 780-645-4522

Summer Heat & Pets Inside Vehicles

A complaint that is often received at St Paul Municipal Enforcement is, a hot pet locked inside a vehicle. Usually this results because the motorist has parked their vehicle, went inside a store, and would be back in a few minutes. In those few minutes your pet will begin to get warm. Pets can only perspire through their mouth by panting and sweat through the pads of their feet. Even with water left inside the vehicle for your pet, they can come into distress.

The animal protection act states that no person shall cause an animal to be in distress. A Peace officer may take any action necessary to relieve the animals distress. Should the owner of the vehicle cannot be located, this may result in damage to your vehicle, to remove your pet from inside.

If your pet has overheated air to breath they can begin to have internal organ damage in just 15 minutes. Ask yourself if your pet really needs to come with you to the store, or downtown.

How long did it take you to go into the store?

Based on a temperature of 26 degrees outside:

Time inside vehicle Temperature inside car
10 minutes 37 Degrees Celsius
20 minutes 42 Degrees Celsius
30 minutes 46 Degrees Celsius


Bylaw 1253: Smoking Bylaw

The Town of St. Paul  has the following Bylaw in effect to authorize the limitation of public use of tobacco, vaporizers, cannabis and similar products. 

Bylaw 1253: Smoking Bylaw