Municipal Development Plan Survey

We want to hear from you! Share your thoughts on what you think community development priorities should be through the Round 1 Community Survey. The survey is available from November 27 – December 18, 2024. Share your thoughts on housing, community recreation, and other focus areas as part of the Municipal Development Plan update. The community survey is available online until December 18.

Municipal Development Plan

Municipal Development Plan (MDP)

MDP: Survey Monkey Link



We want to hear from you! Share your thoughts on what you think community development priorities should be through the Round 1 Community Survey.

The survey is available from November 27 – December 18, 2024.

What is a MDP?

The MDP must address the following:

  • the future land use within the municipality,
  • the manner of and the proposals for future development in the municipality,
  • the co-ordination of land use, future growth patterns, and other infrastructure with adjacent municipalities if there is no IDP (Intermunicipal Development Plan),
  • the provision of required transportation systems either generally or specifically within the municipality and in relation to adjacent municipalities, and
  • the provision of municipal services and facilities either generally or specifically.

The MDP may address the following:

  • proposals for the financing and programming of municipal infrastructure,
  • the coordination of municipal programs relating to the physical, social, economic development of the municipality,
  • environmental matters within the municipality,
  • the financial resources of the municipality,
  • the economic development of the municipality, and
  • any other matter relating to the physical, social, or economic development of the municipality.

As new proposals are received for planning & development processes, Council & Administration must ensure that the MDP is followed.

How do I know if the MDP has been amended?

List of Amendments to the MDP since its adoption:

  • Bylaw 2021-05: Amendment to Section 3.4: Local and Planned Development.

Where can I find updates to the MDP 2024/2025 Review Project?

Below is a list of meeting dates and information related to the targeted review of the MDP.

April 22/24:  With the passing of Budget 2024 on April 22, 2024, Town Council agreed to commit to updating parts of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP).

June 10/24:  At their Regular Council meeting, Council awarded the contract to ISL Engineering & Land Services Ltd. Council and Administration will be working together with ISL on this targeted review.  The amount of the project will be $70,000.00.

October 15/24:  At their Regular Council meeting, Council officially kicked-off this project with a workshop.  Council heard from ISL & Administration about the current MDP and asked Council for input/direction.  Part of the workshop was in open session and part of the discussions were in closed session. See this link for a copy of the Powerpoint Presentation to Council.  See this link, for a copy of the meeting record.

October 16/24: Webpage created about the project.

November 1/24: Post on Facebook page to promote the project.

November 5/24: Newspaper ad posted in Lakeland This Week to inform residents and promote the project.

November 27 to December 18/24: Round 1 of the public engagement is out for public input, see the link above for the survey.

What timeline is proposed for the MDP 2024/2025 Review Project?