Change of Hours: Transfer Station

Effective September 3rd, the Transfer Station will be open the following hour: Tuesday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Saturday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Closed Sundays & Mondays

Public Hearing Process

What is a public hearing?

With certain bylaws described in the Municipal Government Act (MGA), a public hearing is required to be held before second reading of a proposed bylaw.  Public hearings allow for the public to advise Council of their comments/concerns in regards to a newly developed bylaw before final readings. 


You may participate in a public hearing in any of the following ways:

  • in-person at the meeting;
  • complete our online submission form here;
  • remotely via Zoom (you must contact Sarah Burton, Executive Assistant at 780-645-1765 by 10am on the day of the public hearing to arrange this option). 

(Due to possible connectivity issues, no guarantee can be provided for the continued connectivity of those members participating via Zoom.  It is recommended that members of the public attend in person or submit comments prior to the deadline for the meeting, if this option is chosen.)

If you do not have access to a device, please call 780-645-8540 or 780-645-1766 for assistance/direction.


Oral submissions in-person may be made at the Public Hearing without prior notification to the Town of St. Paul.  Each speaker is asked:

  • to limit their presentation to a maximum of 10 minutes;
  • arrive 5-10 minutes early to register to speak on our sign-in sheet outside the Council Chambers on the 2nd floor;
  • keep their presentation clear and concise - explain reasons for support or opposition;
  • be sure to not disclose any personal information that you wouldn't want the public to know;
  • speak directly into the microphone.

Once the Mayor calls your name, you may approach the delegation table.

State your name, if you are in favour or opposed to the proposed bylaw, & street address for the public record (minutes).

Following your presentation, please be prepared for any questions that Council may ask.  After questions have concluded you may return to your seat in the gallery.

The public is welcome to attend the public hearing in person, even if you do not wish to speak specifically on a item.

Watch live

See this link for the live meeting.

Council's role

Council’s role is to listen & ask questions if needed to inform their decision-making.  The purpose is not for Council to discuss & debate the topic during the public hearing.  

The Mayor opens the hearing and advises the procedures for the public hearing. Once all comments are heard, the Council can ask questions of clarification to Administration/Public, if any.

Council encourages & welcomes all to attend any public hearing.

After the public hearing

A recording of the video live feed is posted to the Town of St. Paul's You Tube channel here.