Change of Hours: Transfer Station

Effective September 3rd, the Transfer Station will be open the following hour: Tuesday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Saturday - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Closed Sundays & Mondays

Community Grant Funding


The Town of St. Paul desires to establish a process for community halls, non-profit organizations, and societies that provide services to its residents to apply for grant funding and to ensure that grant requests are assessed and awarded in a consistent and equitable manner that maximizes the benefits for Town ratepayers.

Community Grant Funding Policy

To develop and maintain a safe and viable community and to supply necessary services to the community.  The purpose of this policy is to establish a program to provide funding support to non-profit organizations that organize and deliver events which enhance the quality of life for the citizen of St. Paul.

Access to Community Grant Funding Policy.

Capital Grant

Capital Grant Funding has been suspended for 2024.

Not-for-profit organizations that provide programs or services that benefit the community, who are completing a capital project intended to enhance quality of life in their community.  A maximum of $5,000.00 and only every three (3) years.

Facility & In-Kind Requests

Applicants that are requesting to book any Town Facilities may be considered to receive a discount.  Promotional packages may be available to the community for events i.e. Silent Auction, raffles, etc.

Access to Facility & In-Kind Requests Application Form.

Contact Information

For further information or to submit your application,  please contact Alyssa at 780-645-1771 or email to: