Public Safety

Public Safety

St. Paul’s Regional Emergency Management Agency (REMA) is responsible for the planning, coordinating and supporting emergency agencies and resources during major incidents and disasters. REMA is established under the following Bylaws:

· County of St. Paul No. 19 – Bylaw No. 2014-30
· Summer Village of Horseshoe Bay – Bylaw No. 106/2014
· Town of St. Paul – Bylaw No. 1209
· Town of Elk Point – Bylaw No. 731/14

REMA works with all departments, utility companies, other municipalities and nonprofit groups to prepare, respond and recover more quickly when a disaster occurs. The REMA manages the Region’s Emergency Management Plan and six Sub-Plans which identifies the Region’s resources and organization in the event of an incident or disaster. The entire process and readiness of Emergency Management is compiled in those series of plans. The REMP is the master document developed by various Agencies such as Police, Fire, Municipal Works, and Emergency Social Services. The Director and all the agency representatives of the various essential services agencies meet on an annual basis to discuss and refine plans.

An all Hazards Approach was taken to understand the potential hazards we could be faced with in the Region of St. Paul. We looked back at past incidents, we have look at our current status now, and have tried to be proactive in looking ahead at those potentials for the future. The main plan was developed using the hazards identified in the hazard assessment. The plan is now in place and is ready should it be required. As the plan is a living document and always requires updates and upgrades, it is never ‘done’, but it is ready to support our Region.
Sign up for Emergent Event Notifications If you would like to receive a notice in an emergent event or information that is happening within our Region, please see the following links below:


The Emergency Advisory Committee is a small committee of elected officials that advise the Regional Emergency Management Agency on the development of emergency plans and programs that are managed and implemented by the Emergency Management Agency. The Director of Emergency Management participates in the Emergency Advisory Committee as an advisor.

The Emergency Advisory Committee consists of appointed Council representatives from each of the four-member jurisdictions. The Emergency Advisory Committee members will determine a Chair.

During municipal emergencies, the Emergency Advisory Committee provides general support to the Incident Commander and acts on behalf of the Municipal Councils, if required.

The roles and responsibilities of elected officials do not include attendance at the Incident Command Post unless specifically requested by the Incident Commander.

The Emergency Advisory Committee considers the response strategy, considering the long-term impact of an incident on people, critical infrastructure, environment, finances, operations, business and industry, and the Region’s reputation.

The Emergency Advisory Committee does not duplicate or override the operating control of the municipal CAO’s, Incident Command Post or the Incident Commander.


There are many ways you can obtain information during an emergency or disaster. You can monitor local media through a television set or radio, you can check for alerts through social media and you can monitor the situation on various websites.


While Alert Ready is a Federally and Provincially led initiative, we at the Town/County of St. Paul, Town of Elk Point and Summer Village of Horseshoe Bay are here to notify you of any incidents which hit closer to home. Those could include notifications for severe weather, highway interruptions or essential services down. However, please note that the Wireless Public Alert (WPA) will take precedence over notifications you will receive from the town, as required by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commision (CRTC)

People can also stop in at their Municipal Office and asked to be signed up. “If you don’t sign-up, you won’t receive the Notifications or Alerts. There is no cost to the individual, so why wouldn’t you sign-up”. ** Message and Data Rates may apply **


Alberta Emergency Alerts are issued to warn people about potential risks to their health and safety. By signing up to receive this information directly, you will be better informed and better prepared. You can follow Alberta Emergency Alert on Twitter @AB_EmergAlert, download their app for iPhone or Android devices by following this link and signing up or visit their website for more information.

Get Prepared

Prepare your family for an Emergency/Disaster with four steps:

  • Know the hazards/risks in your region
  • Make a family emergency plan and practice it
  • Prepare an emergency kit for your home and vehicle
  • Be informed

For more information please follow the link: 

Emergencies come in many forms, and they may require anything from a brief absence from your home to permanent evacuation. Each type of disaster requires different measures to keep your pets safe. The best thing you can do for yourself and your pets is to be prepared.  


There is a lot of information out there that can help you prepare for an emergency.  Please take some time to read the links below.


You may be instructed to "shelter-in-place" if chemical, biological or radiological contaminants are released into the environment. This means you must remain inside your home or office and protect yourself there. The following steps will help maximize your protection: 

• Close and lock all windows and exterior doors.
• Turn off all fans, heating and air-conditioning systems to avoid drawing in air from the outside.
• Close the fireplace damper.
• Get your 72 hour emergency kit and make sure the radio is working.
• Go to an interior room that's above ground level (if possible, one without windows). In the case of a chemical threat, an above-ground location is preferable because some chemicals are heavier than air and may seep into basements even if the windows are closed.
• Using duct or other wide tape, seal all cracks around the door and any vents into the room.
• Continue to monitor your radio or television until you are told all is safe or are advised to evacuate.


• Go to the basement or take shelter in a small interior ground floor room such as a bathroom, closet or hallway.
• If you have no basement, protect yourself by taking shelter under a heavy table or desk.
• In all cases, stay away from windows, outside walls and doors


• Take shelter in an inner hallway or room, ideally in the basement or on the ground floor.
• Do not use the elevator.
• Stay away from windows.


• Large buildings with wide-span roofs may collapse if a tornado hits.
• If possible, find shelter in another building.
• If you are in one of these buildings and cannot leave, take cover under a sturdy structure such as a table or desk.


No one knows for sure when disaster will strike, but we can all be prepared. Create your own 72-hour emergency kit, and you will have the necessary items to help you and your family until emergency responders can reach you. Below are items you may want to include in your kit.


(3-day supply of non-perishables per person required)
• protein/granola bars
• trail mix/dried fruit
• crackers and cereals
• canned meat, fish and beans
• canned juice
• water (4 L per person, include small bottles to carry with you)


• change of clothing (short- and long-sleeve shirts, pants, socks, undergarments)
• raincoat/emergency poncho/jacket
• spare shoes
• sleeping bags/blankets/emergency heat blankets per person
• plastic and cloth sheets


• hand-crank flashlight or battery-operated flashlights/lamps
• extra batteries
• flares
• candles
• lighter
• waterproof matches


• manual can opener
• dishes and utensils
• shovel
• radio (with spare batteries/hand operated crank)
• pen and paper
• axe/pocket knife
• rope
• duct tape
• whistle
• cellphone charger
• basic tools
• small stove with fuel (follow manufacturer’s directions for operation and storage)


• first-aid kit
• toiletries (toilet paper, feminine hygiene, toothbrush)
• cleaning supplies (hand sanitizer, dish soap, etc.)
• medication (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, children’s medication, etc., and 3-day supply of prescription medication)
• pet food and supplies
• garbage bags
• toys/reading material


• legal documents (birth and marriage certificates, wills, passports, contracts)
• insurance policies
• cash in small bills
• credit card/s
• prepaid phone cards
• copy of your emergency plan and contact information


Keep ready-to-go kit items in a backpack, duffle bag or suitcase, in an accessible place, such as a front-hall closet. Make sure your kit is easy to carry, and everyone in the house knows where it is. Take it with you if you have to leave your house so you can be safe.
• 4 L of water for each person
• food that you don't have to keep cold
• manual can opener
• plastic/paper plates, cups, knives, forks, spoons
• flashlight and extra batteries
• change of clothes
• card with emergency contact information and the number of someone to call who lives out of town
• pet food and supplies for at least three days
• small first aid kit
• personal ID card
• personal hygiene items, soap, hand sanitizer
Store medicine you usually take near your ready-to-go kit.


• Update your kits every six months (put a note in your calendar/planner) to make sure that food, water, and medication are not expired, clothing fits, personal documents and credit cards are up to date, and batteries are charged.
• Small toys/games are important; they can provide some comfort and entertainment during a stressful time.
• Some items and/or flavours might leak, melt, or break open. Dividing groups of items into individual Ziploc bags might help prevent this.



Planning Is Simple!

1. Identify the risks
Prepare a list of the most common risks in your region and learn about the possible consequences of those risks. Then, walk around your house and identify dangers like heavy pictures hung loosely, toxic products, and so on. Take any necessary corrective steps to secure your possessions and your home.

2. Prepare your family emergency plan
Choose an out-of-area contact, someone each member of the family can call or e-mail in case of an emergency. This person can help family members stay in touch and get back together if they are separated. Be sure to pick someone who is far enough away so as not to be affected by the same situation.

Decide on temporary accommodation – such as a friend’s place or hotel – where you can stay for a few days in case you are evacuated. This may also be where you will meet if you are separated during a disaster. When choosing your shelter, remember that bridges may be out and roads may be blocked. (Don’t forget to plan for your pets: they are not always welcome in emergency shelters or hotels.)

3. Practice as a family at least once a year
An emergency can happen anytime, anywhere. Practice often helps people feel less disoriented and better organized in case of a disaster – even in the middle of the night or the middle of winter.

The County of St. Paul, Town of St. Paul, Town of Elk Point, and Summer Village of Horseshoe Bay have agreed to a regional approach to Emergency Management. A Working Group was formed (with representation from each of the municipalities) to guide the process, and it was agreed that a single Regional Emergency Management Plan (REMP) and Agency would make the best use of shared resources. The REMP will incorporate information from the current individual municipal emergency plans, and will provide additional opportunities to work together (e.g., training and exercises).

What is Emergency Management? Emergency Management is a course of action developed to mitigate the damage of potential events that could endanger a Region’s ability to function. We use the Emergency Management Building Blocks of Prevention/Mitigation; Preparedness; Response; and Recovery to develop our plan. Such a plan will include measures that provide for the safety of the public and, if possible, property and facilities. The elements of emergency management planning include determining potential urgent situations and what the appropriate responses to each would be. Conducting a Hazards; Risks; and Vulnerabilities Assessment will help a Region understand the risks posed by various events either natural or manmade. 

Incidents can happen anywhere and at any time. They can be caused by severe weather, infectious diseases, industrial accidents or spills, or by intentional acts. The very nature of an incident is unpredictable and can change in scope and impact. When an incident happens it can threaten public safety, the environment, property, the economy; critical infrastructure such as transportation and telecommunications; and the health of the public. An incident can also affect a person’s ability to access health care services and the health care system’s ability to respond to the situation.

By taking an active role in your community, you are helping to build a culture of preparedness in our Region. While governments at all levels are working hard to keep Canada safe, everyone has a role to play in being prepared for an incident . Building awareness is a great first step. When a major emergent occurs the speed of response, and particularly in the first few hours, is critical. This is not the time for any of us to ask "Where do I go and what do I do”. This is why our plans are prepared in advance, it’s to ensure that we are not caught totally unaware, and give us direction on how to manage appropriately. With your help, together we can communicate the importance of emergency preparedness to everyone in our Region. By you taking the initiative and preparing yourself ahead of time, helps us prepare in taking care of you and the community.

Continue to check the website on a regular basis for information updates; links and attachments. We are always adding to our page to keep the community and Region up to date.

Stay Safe and look out for one and other.

Emergency Management OH&S Team

Access to 9-1-1

Individuals with hearing or speech impairments can register to use Text 9-1-1 in case of an emergency.  Just follow the link to register. 

Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities/Special Needs

This link Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities/Special Needs is a guide that provides information on preparing an emergency plan and kit for people with disabilities / special needs
and for caregivers.
While disasters and emergencies affect everyone, their impact on people with disabilities / special needs is often compounded by factors such as reliance on electrical power, elevators, accessible transportation and accessible communication – all of which can be compromised in
emergency situations.
By taking a few simple steps today, you can become better prepared to face a range of emergencies.

The following Information is drawn from the Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities/Special Needs from Public Safety Canada. These brochures have been prepared by the Regional Director of Emergency Management from the Town/County of St. Paul; Town of Elk Point and the Summer Village of Horseshoe Bay.

Crime Map

Introducing the Public-Facing Crime Map issued by the Alberta RCMP mapping unit.

View Map

Shiver Fest Update

With extreme cold temperatures in the forecast, some Shiver Fest activities have been postponed or cancelled for the safety of participants and volunteers. We appreciate your understanding and encourage everyone to stay warm and safe. For the latest event updates, please click the link below:.